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    DEXA results: 27 F/5'3"/142 lbs/27.4% body fat

    @122r Weird! Is your left arm visibly smaller? Maybe your right arm does too much day to day stuff and thus gets all the fat cuz it needs it lol
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    DEXA results: 27 F/5'3"/142 lbs/27.4% body fat

    @122r My only critique is: damn you and your awesome squat powers!!! And bench. And deadlift. Anyway I ignore a lot of dexa posts but didn't realize they told you the left/right ratio. That's kinda cool.
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    So many women want to lift weights without getting bulky, but how many of us here *do* want to lift weights and get bigger?

    @biblicalquality I mean I want to be as strong as possible for my weight class and have no goals for my body, does that count?