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  1. J

    Looking for a cardio exercise like swimming the backstroke (x-post /r/bodyweightfitness)

    @qtpie71 Kettlebell swings helped my posture a lot, it is an explosive pull, slightly similar to rowing. It strengthens the back, and while it won't directly strengthen the neck, a strong back is a proper foundation for a healthy neck. You can't really have a forward head with proper posture...
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    Looking for a cardio exercise like swimming the backstroke (x-post /r/bodyweightfitness)

    @qtpie71 [Look up gada mace exercises.() It isn't like swimming, but it does involves pushing against resistance across a wide arc of motion, and it can be cardio intensive. I built one of these, it isn't my cup of tea, but maybe you would like it. You need a lot of space in every direction...
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    Z press

    @treks Seated press is great because it enforces strict form, but I also think that there is a time to consciously choose to do a bit of a push press. Most of us make big jumps in weight, especially if we train at home. It is nearly impossible to go from 24 kg to 32 kg press without an...
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    Damaged shoulder from push press

    @riccardoj NP. I think all the comments were useful, but they were missing the impingement that ties them all together into a big picture.
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    Damaged shoulder from push press

    @riccardoj Look into shoulder impingement and swimmer's shoulder, in all likelihood you're doing the exercise from an incorrect position, and a tendon is experiencing wear as a result. If that is the case, you now have tendonitis, which takes longer to heal than a sore muscle. The...
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    [Form Check] 1H Swing 32kg

    @biblequestions This is good overall. You don't need to bring the bell any higher, but if you feel that you're shrugging your shoulder, focus on drawing the bottom point of the shoulder blade in toward the spine and down. "Shoulders are ear poison" is good advice, but it is important to...
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    Cirque du Soleil acrobat Andrii Bondarenko's Instagram page, where he shares incredible bodyweight fitness feats

    @steve774 I think everyone in the BWF community would enjoy a Cirque du Soleil show. Just about any show you choose will have multiple Olympians on stage, and the level of artistry and the production quality of the stage show are beyond compare.
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    Looking for long-term kettlebell workout plan [M/F]

    @passingthrough1 Yes, I had been doing the movements for a while. You can self teach them, but it takes time, and there is a risk of injury until you get it right. I had a few injuries that kept me from training for a few weeks each, but I've had zero injuries for months. There are links in...
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    Looking for long-term kettlebell workout plan [M/F]

    @passingthrough1 I use this program, it is a five week program and only a little less expensive than the one you used, but I definitely recommend it if it seems like a good fit to you. The program I just completed did it a bit differently, there were complexes of exercises like "10 cleans each...
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    Let's Talk About Kettlebell HIIT

    @lady_of_rohan I'm curious why you think a kettlebell is a poor tool for HIIT. It involves moving more muscle mass than a bike, and a heavy kettlebell will absolutely use 100% of your oxygen capacity. The kettlebell isn't really usable for the active rest interval, but after a few sets of 44...
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    Kettlebell strength training and flexibility/mobility. Are you feeling stiff? 10 KB exercises to challenge your ROM 💥

    @okieallday The guy who says that "weighted extension or flexion at the end range of movement is dangerous" isn't wrong, but 12kg is fine; it supports that much routinely.
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    Kettlebell strength training and flexibility/mobility. Are you feeling stiff? 10 KB exercises to challenge your ROM 💥

    @okieallday I'm going to try this tonight, I have to consistently work on thorassic mobility to avoid shoulder impingement, and some of these look good. My mainstays are overhead squats with light weight, and German hang with foot support (German stand on box?) As long as I practice those...
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    Kettlebell strength training and flexibility/mobility. Are you feeling stiff? 10 KB exercises to challenge your ROM 💥

    @moorelake7 I would avoid #6, and #4 is demonstrated with too heavy of a weight, but the instructions are to do this with a light weight, as mobility exercises. The Jefferson curl (#7), for example, it is suggested to build up to 10% of your deadlift, with months of practice.
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    Let's Talk About Kettlebell HIIT

    @howardrf This is a great post! I have a few questions. First, what is your opinion on the benefit of strict HIIT versus just doing a comparable amount of work at a slightly lower level of intensity. For example, if person's fitness level enables them to do 200 snatches in 10 minutes on a...