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    How do I start as a beginner with back and knee pain? I think the knee pain is due to weight 30/F/72kg/UK

    @leightonh i never said you cant take advil. i said use discretion. while its a drug it doesnt fix injuries. its pain management. and its also a well known fact that inflammation is a naturally occuring part of the body and is how it heals itself. which doctors also agree with. health and...
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    How do I start as a beginner with back and knee pain? I think the knee pain is due to weight 30/F/72kg/UK

    @leightonh ibuprofin etc arent always the answer. do they stop you from feeling pain yes. but they dont fix the problem or heal the pain. im an advocate of not using pain medicine prior to working out etc due to it numbing your bodies response to pains. ultimately leading to more injuries from...
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    How do I start as a beginner with back and knee pain? I think the knee pain is due to weight 30/F/72kg/UK

    @ctrowland some of the best advice is if it hurts stop. test out every exercise start light for reps. gradually add weight and cut back reps. if you feel any odd pains listen to your body and stop that exercise and look for an alternative to build similar muscles. maybe squats hurt but leg...