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    “Don’t look at the scale, because muscle weighs more than fat.”

    @samuelperla If one of your goals is not specifically losing weight, don’t worry about the scale. In addition to taking photos, you could also measure your waist weekly. If your aim is to slim down and your waist keeps disappearing you’re on the right track. If you do want to lose weight and...
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    Beginner at the gym

    @peppermint_patty See the wiki linked by the bot for some great, proven routines. Gaining weight is all about eating enough. If you want to gain weight and are not putting on any, you simply need to eat more
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    Im dead after 90 mins

    @gospelofgracetv Like I said, I'm getting through all my sets just fine and can progress as prescribed. I do believe you should rest for as long as you need to, but a minute or two seems to be the sweet spot right now. I'm sure I'm using closer to 3 minutes at the heaviest top sets
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    I’m going from sedentary to active and I’m not sure how to gauge what amount of fatigue is normal.

    @rc0617 You also need the calories to get through the day. Start tracking how much you actually eat every day, and see if it meets your expenditure
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    Im dead after 90 mins

    @gospelofgracetv I don't see how lifting for longer would change anything. I can already rest for 1-2 minutes between main lift sets and I can handle progression, as the routine calls for it. Got the work capacity to superset all supplemental and accessory work I do
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    any insights on at home workouts?

    @cchabvuta 3000 calories is a lot for your level of activity. Your maintenance calories are going to be around 2200 cals. How fast are you gaining weight?
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    Im dead after 90 mins

    @gospelofgracetv Numbers, as in how much I can lift? 190 lbs bench (pretty much BW), 250 squat, 300 deadlift, 145 OHP. These are ballpark-ish; 10 lbs less here or 10 more there. I only train for strength and never close to my actual 1RM, have not tested them in a while. Started lifting well into...
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    Im dead after 90 mins

    @ausilio All my workouts take 30 to 45 minutes, including warmup. Out the door in less than 60 minutes
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    Need help losing weight! (Tips/advice)

    @morherof2 Doing squats every other day means you’re not doing them heavy enough
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    Need help losing weight! (Tips/advice)

    @morherof2 Here and there gets you nowhere. Need to be consistent, with progressive overload
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    Advice needed

    @singerpoet Small, baby steps to achieve permanent change in your life. Your brain is wired to pick the easy option and to maintain the path of least resistance. Sometimes those steps have to be tiny ones. For example, you might simply start by going for a walk daily. 2 minutes, 10 minutes, 30...
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    Brain dead workout routine for busy schedule.

    @raihan Many people have the strange notion you have to hit the weightroom every day and do dozens of exercises for anything to happen Pick one of the solid and proven routines found in the wiki and do a full-body workout three times per week. Less than 5 exercises total
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    8 months bulking, seeking for feedback to my current workout program

    @pastordavid7398 ”Only” four times per week with 1,5 hours to spare each time? That is very generous. I can usually squeeze in 3 workouts per week, with 30-45 mins each. Personally I feel like any workout should be done within an hour
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    Gym beginner

    @quirkycanuck I'd suggest you either listen to your coach, or get rid of the coach. What's the point of getting coached by someone if you don't take his advice? Plenty of great, established routines over at the wiki if you are...
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    How do I get to 15k-20k steps a day with a full time job ?

    @happilyretired Why do you want to make it to specifically that many steps per day?
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    Trying to gain weight since FOREVER

    @stephmw You gain weight when in calorie surplus, as in you consume more calories than you spend in a day. If you want to gain weight you need to eat more!
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    App for fitness v. menstrual cycle?

    @angelanguyen At 210 lbs, assuming around average height, your BMI category is obesity. Being overweight messes up with your energy and hormone levels, sleep cycles, and generally affects every part of your body. Maybe see your GP, possibly get bloodwork done, to rule out any underlying illness...
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    Ppl x arnold split suggestion

    @youthpastorbrett If you have to ask in beginnerfitness, you most likely should stick to the several tried and true routines. Plenty of them available in the wiki. You usually end up having way too much work in it, while leaving some body parts untouched
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    2+ years out from weight loss surgery, weight/body fat goal achieved, now onto strength training and nutrition! Is this food plan acceptable?

    @wifeneedsanswers Is this something you plan on eating all month long, or just an example? Sounds super boring if it’s nothing but this Are you required to eat 8 meals per day? I find 5 meals per day or one every 3-4 hours works the best for me. You figured out all the macros, well done. I...