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  1. J

    Hey Everyone, Can someone please recommend me a workout routine and help with what I have?

    So i’m training for the police academy in Iowa, which is legit a year and a half out for me. I have goals in mind which I want to complete before then, but I just don’t know how to go about accomplishing them. I don’t even know if what I am doing right now is correct or helpful in any way. I am...
  2. J

    I’m a female, 5”5 at 139, i’m the heaviest i’ve ever been, how do I put off the weight and build muscle?

    @cmdrspock this helped a lot! the form for my testing area is literally just someone holding your feet while you sit up, the only stipulation is your hands may never leave your head, they can be anywhere on the head, they just can’t leave it. and the real thing i’m going to struggle with here...
  3. J

    I’m a female, 5”5 at 139, i’m the heaviest i’ve ever been, how do I put off the weight and build muscle?

    i am used to weighing 113-125 but over the past three months my eating got out of hand. i’ve been walking on three treadmill for an hour everyday since monday, at 3.2mph, i increase by one every two days, and i couldn’t workout saturday and sunday because of work. i have also been doing over 50...