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    Opinion on my diet

    @rose112165 As long as you're getting some micronutrients from veggies and aren't going extremely low in any fats or carbs, it largely won't matter even in a cut. Eating clean from fresh food or mostly processed food and ice cream won't matter as long as you avoid extremes. Obviously avoiding...
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    Opinion on my diet

    @rose112165 Tell me what I said that you don't think is true? Which part.
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    Opinion on my diet

    @lcnd You're ticking all the boxes, 4 servings of protein, protein target, calorie target. You can literally eat whatever you want, all you need to do is hit calories and protein. Nothing else is going to make any real difference.
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    What’s your thoughts on the oversized t shirt?

    @godjerry Looks like I can't wear oversize then 😭
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    Weightlifting workout builder

    @johnlxyz Yes, doesn't necessarily mean all stimulating reps are equal, but on paper yes. Intensifiers like Myo and Dropsets are just super short rest times and will prevent you being able to achieve the same number of stimulating reps on the subsequent set. This doesn't mean they don't work...
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    Weightlifting workout builder

    @johnlxyz Yeah it's totally normal to lose reps if using the same weight. If you push set to 0 RIR it's very unlikely you'll be able to replicate that. Some people try to argue for leaving reps such as 3 RIR to avoid this but there's no benefit, since you get 3 less stimulating reps on set 1...
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    Weightlifting workout builder

    @savis Yeah pretty much. Whilst you can get the same results and on paper 3 RIR can be better sometimes, it's so impractical to actually perform that way versus just using a higher intensity that is easy to standardise.
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    “Renaissance periodization has jumped the shark” - Alex Bromley. Any thoughts on this video?

    @holydan86 What naturals has Mike trained using RP methodology that have had success directly from RP? Not aware of any perhaps you can list some?
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    Weightlifting workout builder

    @savis That's a problem with training RIR. We have much simpler ways to access volume backed by literature. 10-15 a week (0-2 RIR), 3+ minute rests, 5-8 per muscle group in a single workout. And yes, if you train with less intensity or shorter rest periods the data suggests more sets will be...
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    Weightlifting workout builder

    @savis Layout looks good. Using % 1RM seems like it would just add confusion for beginners and isn't necessary. And the choice of programs you've included as examples here probably aren't well suited to this particular sub catering towards bodybuilding and aesthetics.
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    Fully Body vs P/P/L does it matter at all?

    @peterjames Exercise science flip flops all the time, 12-18 is a little high and having weekly volume isn't really a good way to look at it anyhow. Full body can be great but it takes a lot more care to program correctly and manage fatigue. I really don't like this split personally. I find it...
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    Are there any studies on building muscle with low protein diets, RDA or lower (<0.8 g/kg)?

    @nogueira527 Your results are essentially diet permitting. If you hit the minimum protein in at least 3 meals then it allows results. If you go much higher than that it isn't necessarily going to get you any more results. Hot take but a lot of advice online is that "diet is the most important...
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    As an experienced lifter are we shortchanging progress at all by doing a little cut to a 'beach leanness' each year?

    @loriequin I gained 6kg on my last bulk which was somewhere around 5 months in total. It's a bit high and I overshot my target a little of 0.25kg per week, but not by a whole lot. (0.3kg) Next time I think I'll target 0.2kg to be able to bulk longer since that should also be more than enough...
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    As an experienced lifter are we shortchanging progress at all by doing a little cut to a 'beach leanness' each year?

    @jamierite74 I do my bulk quite loose since I see it as a more relaxed way of going about food then say an aggressive bulk. I aim for 300 over maintenance for around .25-.3 KG gain per week. But I think it ended up being above that slightly on my last bulk. My mini cut atm is 700 deficit but...
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    As an experienced lifter are we shortchanging progress at all by doing a little cut to a 'beach leanness' each year?

    @jamierite74 Hard to answer. Once the body adapts after a couple of weeks from maintenance to a bulk (and vice versa), and it's in a consistent surplus of energy that it can now use, you're basically maximising the speed it can build muscle. I personally aim for 4-6 months bulk. I've just ended...
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    Interested to know what splits you guys are running with atm

    @karl222 Do you run the same workouts after the repeat or do you have 2 different variations (eg. Back A and Back B)?
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    As an experienced lifter are we shortchanging progress at all by doing a little cut to a 'beach leanness' each year?

    @jamierite74 I don't think they do. I think you may be confusing that with the way they are demonstrating their point when arguing against maintaining. Some research even contradicts this and suggest that being leaner in the surplus is more responsive due to nutrient partitioning (more fat...
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    As an experienced lifter are we shortchanging progress at all by doing a little cut to a 'beach leanness' each year?

    @jamierite74 Long bulk just means longer cutting time. Longer cutting time just means more chance of losing muscle and mental fatigue. To keep the cut small you need to keep the bulk smaller. Doing it this way also lets you look good all year round versus a longer cut where you'll just look...
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    Anyone else sub out BB squats for V Squat?

    @lepomis I've explained it simply in a way you can easily verify and you've chosen to ignore it because some YouTube video told you without explanation. You can even minic the motion and see the hip flexion dominance by putting your hand in your hip crease. That's stupid imo. Sorry.
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    Anyone else sub out BB squats for V Squat?

    @lepomis You're so stupid, enjoy.