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  1. M

    Low-Impact exercises that aren't boring AF?

    @123443215 Man, I wish my gym was empty enough to try to do circuit training on cardio machines - that sounds like a great workout! I guess the tradeoff is that I basically get weights to myself.
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    Low-Impact exercises that aren't boring AF?

    @zambiagirl Hahaha that's one of the reasons I do interval sprints rather than long sessions. I know I have lazy form, and while I'm motivated to have good technique on squats and deadlifts, for some reason I can't extend that level of care to cardio. My back doesn't hurt after sprints - only...
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    Low-Impact exercises that aren't boring AF?

    @zambiagirl Yep, rowing form can definitely make or break a good workout (...or maybe more how you feel the day after!)
  4. M

    Low-Impact exercises that aren't boring AF?

    @joker1983 Lucky! Mine has a little rowing game where you can chase a frog or whatever, but it's not strictly what I could call "entertaining."
  5. M

    Low-Impact exercises that aren't boring AF?

    @ejc420 Rowing machine! I personally can't do 20 minutes straight of rowing because it's super boring, but my trainer said if I do intervals of 2 minute rows (or whatever), it's just as good if not better than running. He used to run marathons and quit because of the high impact - strongly...