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    Half-way point in Easy Strength... where to next?

    @seekingsalvation9867 I don't know about the triathlon, but I know he's a track and field guy. He frequently references marathoners needing to deadlift double their body weight and bench their body weight (he cites Cerutty?)
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    Half-way point in Easy Strength... where to next?

    @googs I guess I buried part of the headline ... I'm also in the trades and need some strength to do the occasional hard day (pulling several hundred feet or more of cable a dozen times all day, lifting rigid conduit, just moving heavy stuff like transformers etc). There's too many guys I work...
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    Half-way point in Easy Strength... where to next?

    I'm nearing the 20 workout mark of the 40 suggested by Pavel/Dan John and I'm loving kettlebells for being able to strength train at home. Just finished reading Easy Strength and I like it, but I'm wondering if something a bit more intense would support endurance running (half marathon) and...