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    I’m the crying girl

    @whitehorse One time I cried so hard because I could not do all the burpees the workout called for. I was mortified. My coach came over and without even looking at me said, ok take a breath, put your head up, we are going to do this together. Let’s get you on to something you CAN do and we’ll...
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    Just did 24.2. Gave it my all. Doing crossfit for 6 months. Did scaled.

    @user911 It's you against you. You got your ass in the game. We both did.
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    New to crossfit - and it's kicking my ass!

    @smarch Hi there 👋🏻 I’m going on 6 months and I love it so much. And when I am doing it, I am getting my ass kicked every single time. I remember when I had to do 5 burpees and I literally cried. And now I can easily do 50 in a row. It just takes time. Keep showing up. It’s you against you 💪🏻
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    24.1 and ego

    @mike24 My dude, I saw a guy who is probably one of the fittest people in our box literally fall to his knees in this workout, legit. Another guy who is a coach finished it and then barfed. Don't be discouraged. This activity is you against you. You got this.