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  1. E

    Any 4’9 - 5’0 ladies eat more than 1500 calories?

    So I use to have a binge eating disorder and just recovering now. Also have some health issues so I’m now upping my calories to 1400 as a start. I just wanted to know if any short ladies are eating more and how often they work out? Also just FYI, nothing wrong with any calories intake, I just...
  2. E

    Recomp instead of losing weight?

    @iamjamieq I’m not a professional so I can only speak from experience. I’m also 4’9. I’ve lost 40 pounds in total. Your activity level and your calories intake of 1300cal and only losing 1 pound in 2 months sound a little low. The main thing I can think of, Are you tracking your food intake...