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  1. E

    My journey to a pro bodybuilder

    @samanthamturner Thanks a lot! This is EXACTLY what the judges told me, lmao, thanks again! Hitting lots of heavy deads now, and trying to build up those shoulders :) All the best :)
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    My journey to a pro bodybuilder

    @samanthamturner Awesome, thanks a lot for sharing! Do you think I have a chance at doing better? I've been working out for about 8.5 years now, here's some footage of being onstage this summer
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    My journey to a pro bodybuilder

    @samanthamturner Awesome job! When I was looking through the photos, I thought you looked familiar. I remember seeing one of the last pics in another thread here or /r/bodybuilding and saying your shoulders looked sweet and asking you what you do for them. 6 feet and 165 lbs onstage? That's...
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    Eating enough calories while transitioning to vegetarian from meatie

    @ecneics Awesome! Just wanted to add, science backs up this too. Beans are probably some of the best foods you can eat. Processed foods are being linked with cancer. Here's some studies I've read recently on those 2 topics: Beans: Bazzano, L. A., He, J., Ogden, L. G., Loria, C., Vupputuri...
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    27/M/186cm/71kg | Finished my first cut (4.5 kg / 10 lbs in 3 months), built new, lasting habits and became the leanest I have ever been

    @sauce Really awesome! Great work! Fantastic progress, and great description of everything :) The approach you're taking is great, keep at it :) Looking forward to future posts!
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    M/25/5’10” [180lbs to 156lbs] (3 months)

    @joelashley Back is looking fantastic! You look like you do lots of rack pulls, awesome job!