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  1. H

    FML: Heavy lifting made me look like I was in liver failure

    @rubicontwentytwelve Oh, you must be talking about Cory from SMP Films/LiveEachDay! I didn't see that episode, that's crazy it happened to him too! Side note, I love him, his family is too freaking cute.
  2. H

    FML: Heavy lifting made me look like I was in liver failure

    @terry5755 I actually have no idea, haha. I ended up dropping out of the study because of timing issues + they asked me to little/no exercise for the next month, which just wasn't worth it for me. I am getting labs done at the start of May for a 3 month checkup at my rheumatologist's though, so...
  3. H

    FML: Heavy lifting made me look like I was in liver failure

    @terry5755 For sure, that was pretty much what I thought too. I've had DOMS before but I couldn't walk without feeling AWFUL. The docs running the research study didn't diagnose it as actual rhabdo (they thought it needed the kidney component) which I thought was interesting...This study is...
  4. H

    FML: Heavy lifting made me look like I was in liver failure

    @hjbastida OP here! You just have to ease into it. I pushed myself WAY too hard with that workout but I exercise almost daily and have no issue. The fact I couldn't walk was my body telling me I dun fu*ked up.
  5. H

    FML: Heavy lifting made me look like I was in liver failure

    TL;DR: “Strenous exercise” (ie lifting and extreme aerobic exercise) causes elevated LFTs and CK levels on lab work that makes it look like you’re in liver failure due to the break down of muscle protein. FML, I can’t do serious workouts now for a month… I hope this post is okay; I’m a nurse...