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  1. R

    I’m seeing results with just an 8lb dumbbell…

    @mako80 If their opinion disagrees with reality, they are wrong. Keep at it. Adjust only when results stop.
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    Full RoM or heavier squat

    @bort Treat them as two exercises. Continue to progress weight on your shorter ROM squats but also train ass to grass full range squats and progress those separately. Same as you would front squats or leg press. Still compound leg exercises but with a different focus. If you need to work...
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    Fitness Influencers

    @bravechrisitian It's hard to sell "work hard, eat right, be patient" so they have to dress it up in a proprietary "system" to have a product that justifies their existence as an influencer. Obviously, all of them need to do this, and there can't be multiple "best" systems. They have a choice...
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    Advice needed, did I hit my genetic ceiling?

    @gwpga17 If you aren't gaining weight, you arent eating in a calorie surplus. I would start there.
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    4 day split VS bro split

    @lostsoul_ I don't think it will make a huge difference either way. The split is probably the least important part of program design. If what you're doing now is working there's not really any reason to change it arbitrarily. The potential upside is so minimal I wouldn't really bother.
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    What are your opinions on exercising 7 days a week?

    @xxjesusfreak1984xx Training every day is not inherently bad if you're managing the training load / recovery. My questions would be - How are you doing that? and Why do you feel you need 7 days instead of fewer?
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    Is hitting a muscle group once every 7 days regarded as a "faulty" way to train?

    @sunflower39 Do what works for you at whatever point in time it works for you. I've done all sorts of programs over the years and so long as you give it a fair shake of a few months at least, and put the effort in, the difference in results has been minimal. In fact, I think switching...