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  1. I

    V-sit, planche progression- is my form good ?

    @shek There should be a lot of carryover between the two moves. My (unqualified) advice is the same: Focus first on putting on some more bicep and shoulder muscle, and then in a couple of months go harder on specificity training - on whichever skill tbh. If you want a major milestone faster...
  2. I

    V-sit, planche progression- is my form good ?

    @shek Fair question. Maybe you can find a bench at a local park? Just try holding your legs horizontally. Full ROM isn't very important atm since we're just trying to diagnose weak points first. Alternatively: How is your back lever? Back lever should be easier than planche, but the load on...
  3. I

    V-sit, planche progression- is my form good ?

    @pray_daily Again, this is coming from someone who has a much much uglier v-sit, and who can only tuck planche. But I'll try to be useful: V-sit For V-sit, you can kind of approach it in multiple ways. Probably the best is too continue improving hamstring flexibility, so that he can bring his...
  4. I

    V-sit, planche progression- is my form good ?

    @shek You're farther along in both of these skills than I am, so I don't have any useful form advice for you (except try to straighten your legs more on v-sit and get your back more horizontal on planche, which I'm sure you're already trying to do), but I just wanted to say good job and keep...