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  1. C

    Guys, how the F do I stop eating so much?!

    @questforgodliness What are your main PCOS symptoms?
  2. C

    Got up to 9 pull ups this morning

    @worthless1976 I have never been able to do a full pull up, but I've been working on it since the beginning of February, and I'm getting so close I can taste it. I hope to get my first one by the 6 month mark. I'm also working on losing about 5-10 pounds which should help with the process.
  3. C

    Guys, how the F do I stop eating so much?!

    @lostandtired I don't have any advice, but I can completely relate. It felt like I was writing this. I'm a little shorter than you and a little heavier too, but not too far off. And I used to maintain around 130 naturally, but lately I've been really struggling with hunger too. I successfully...
  4. C

    Skinny Obese?!? DEXA Surprise, 32f 5'9" 152lbs 44%BF!

    @dawei7 I had a similar experience. Looking at the very unscientific charts above, plus being in the dead center of healthy BMI, my boyfriend and I thought I was somewhere around 22% body fat. Lo and behold, I have a dexa scan and I'm 35% body fat! I had a little too much fat, but mainly my lean...