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  1. D

    5'1, 24, 118lbs, muscle atrophy starting journey! Exercise advice wanted, please!

    @curtutter Been looking towards milk, tuna and fish primarily for my protein currently! Definitely planning on getting some whey soon though, since I should be taking whey regardless. Keeping track of making sure I hit the food goals in LoseIt, since it has macro tracking (: Ty for the good...
  2. D

    5'1, 24, 118lbs, muscle atrophy starting journey! Exercise advice wanted, please!

    @chegrmom49 Thanks for the recommendation! I'll look it up later, see if I can find exercises in it that might end up working for me (:
  3. D

    5'1, 24, 118lbs, muscle atrophy starting journey! Exercise advice wanted, please!

    @joanfiz I think it's because of the amount of motion I could get through, before my body gave out? Idk. They seemed confident I could get myself to a point where I could come back though. I'll give it a month or two of seeing if the treadmill helps/if it seems like there's any progress, before...
  4. D

    5'1, 24, 118lbs, muscle atrophy starting journey! Exercise advice wanted, please!

    @joanfiz My physical therapist dropped me because my body kept giving out partway into PT. By give out, I mean full on I couldn't walk/support my legs. And on days I could complete PT, I couldn't walk after for up to 5 days. They told me that until I get my stamina and strength up enough, I...
  5. D

    5'1, 24, 118lbs, muscle atrophy starting journey! Exercise advice wanted, please!

    @applegold Thanks for the recommendation, I'll check it out!
  6. D

    5'1, 24, 118lbs, muscle atrophy starting journey! Exercise advice wanted, please!

    @mj_1969 Apologies for double reply, but removed the weight part of it now!
  7. D

    5'1, 24, 118lbs, muscle atrophy starting journey! Exercise advice wanted, please!

    @mj_1969 Oh, I phrased that wrong! I was told I should be 97-110lbs by my general practitioner, so having a side goal of 105lbs since I'm atrophic I thought would be a good idea. I thought I'd be losing weight before I'd be seeing any notable weight gains from getting in shape. I guess I assumed...
  8. D

    5'1, 24, 118lbs, muscle atrophy starting journey! Exercise advice wanted, please!

    @joerogan311 Both doctors and physical therapists, unfortunately. My current physical therapy plan, is just the 'get moving, and get your stamina up so you can actually do physical therapy' thing. Treadmill was their recommendation. I haven't really been frustrated as much as thought they were...
  9. D

    5'1, 24, 118lbs, muscle atrophy starting journey! Exercise advice wanted, please!

    @rodneys Also by the way, I go genuinely appreciate y'all's replies to this! Y'all are so sweet. Thanks for taking the time!
  10. D

    5'1, 24, 118lbs, muscle atrophy starting journey! Exercise advice wanted, please!

    @rodneys I can technically do stretches. Though I used to be in ballet where I was told unless you're in extreme pain, it's not an actual stretch. Add on my hyper mobility is relatively extreme, I'll dislocate before I'll feel anything from one. Idk if you have hEDS too rather than just hyper...
  11. D

    5'1, 24, 118lbs, muscle atrophy starting journey! Exercise advice wanted, please!

    @rodneys I'm a bit puzzled on where to look then, when 'just get moving more' is the advice given. And I'm trying to see if others have light exercises they can recommend :(
  12. D

    5'1, 24, 118lbs, muscle atrophy starting journey! Exercise advice wanted, please!

    @rodneys I was hoping that since it's just starting up, it'd be alright for advice. I have spoken to medical professionals in the past, and the end agreement was 'get yourself to a point where you can do physical therapy again'. It's been a 'get yourself moving, and start walking more often'...
  13. D

    5'1, 24, 118lbs, muscle atrophy starting journey! Exercise advice wanted, please!

    TL;DR: would love advice on exercises Hi! I hope it's alright to post a semi introductive post (I didn't see anything against it in the rules!), while asking for some advice! I might be giving TMI in here, and I apologize if I am! I separated into bullet points and sections for, hopefully...