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  1. E

    Therapist wants me to accept myself at a bigger size

    @66bookssss “Said that I don’t need to lose weight and I should just accept myself as I am and over the months I may lose the weight.” I don’t think she was telling you to stop trying to lose weight, but you may be interpreting it that way. Sounds like she is saying you don’t need to lose...
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    Therapist wants me to accept myself at a bigger size

    @66bookssss I don’t think there’s anything wrong with what your therapist said. You can accept yourself as you are now AND still work the long game toward losing weight. Keep your goal in mind but don’t forget to enjoy your life along the way.
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    My experience bulking and cutting as a petite person

    @blastcat I had always wanted to be shredded and fit but had no real plan on how to get there. I’d pick up a new routine and drop it in a couple months with like no results. It wasn’t until lifting that I saw the progress I wanted to keep me motivated. It’s also more fun for me. I always had a...
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    My experience bulking and cutting as a petite person

    @abastzar You are right, I was probably not gaining at first because of how much I was exercising. I really like your point about nerves lessening when you saw how hard it is to gain weight while active. I had the same realization and it’s pretty freeing.
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    My experience bulking and cutting as a petite person

    @mel62 Yeah! I did eat junk food a lot too! I just kept it 80/20 instead of only junk food. On a typical day, I’d have cereal with milk + a serving of whey protein mixed in. It would end up being 38g of protein. For lunch I’d make scrambled eggs with goat cheese and bacon and toast. For...
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    My experience bulking and cutting as a petite person

    @safi That’s awesome! I am planning on doing the same— cutting until it just doesn’t feel right anymore and I need more food. That’s kinda what I did with bulking (but was ready to start eating less food lol).
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    My experience bulking and cutting as a petite person

    @banky I got an InBody scan at the end of November when I weighed 116 and was at 20% body fat. I’ll do another InBody scan when I finish my cut. I have 2 non-lifting rest days. On the first one I truly rest, maybe take a slow walk with my dogs. Sometimes I’ll skip the walk if the weather is bad...
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    My experience bulking and cutting as a petite person

    @philm Throughout my bulk I’ve been following a program that varies between lifting 75%-95% (depending on the week) of my one rep max. I hit some new 1 rep maxes during my bulk. I checked back on my stats and at the peak of my bulk I was deadlifting between 110-140lbs; benching 55-70lbs...
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    My experience bulking and cutting as a petite person

    @inhissight I am really liking this new macro cycle! It is killing me lol! I figured out my calories through mostly trial and error. At first, I used an online TDEE calculator which said I could be maintaining at 1700-1800 calories. I did that for months and it was enough until I was craving...
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    My experience bulking and cutting as a petite person

    @sayo It is absolutely hard to get around the mental part! Just know if you’re gaining and lifting, it’s working. And it’s temporary! I definitely cut down on cardio during my bulk but I’m unsure if it’s counterproductive. I cut down merely because it was too cold outside! I am back at it now.
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    My experience bulking and cutting as a petite person

    @dwells It really is hard! Tbh, had I known the weight was really going to come off like this in a cut, I might have continued bulking for just one more month! But I was feeling tired of it by then for sure. Nice job on the gains!
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    My experience bulking and cutting as a petite person

    @brian18373 Sort of, it was more figuring it all out as I went! My BIGGEST takeaway is to stay consistent, not perfect. Most weeks I am in the gym 5 days per week. However, there were some weeks I couldn’t do that because I was on vacation or even sick. I just let myself take the break and...
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    My experience bulking and cutting as a petite person

    @soldier_of_god I wouldn’t have thought this was possible a year ago, I had no idea muscle mass could increase metabolism until this subreddit and getting into fitness. I am hoping to reach 2400 for my maintenance someday soon!
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    My experience bulking and cutting as a petite person

    @goat__man Only 1 year! I started working out January 2023 in my basement with 3lb - 10lb weights. I couldn’t even bench press a barbell. Now I own a barbell, plates, a squat rack and a gym membership and can lift heavy weights!
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    My experience bulking and cutting as a petite person

    @stormandfury Thank you! Yep, pretty much. I lift 5x per week following Meg Squat’s Stronger by the Day program and have been for 8 months. It is primarily a power lifting program with conditioning. The conditioning includes a short run each week. I also go to hot yoga 1x per week. This ends...
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    My experience bulking and cutting as a petite person

    @savia Anywhere from 1 hour to 90 mins, including conditioning
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    My experience bulking and cutting as a petite person

    @crossguy Right?! I didn’t learn this stuff growing up either. My parents are big cardio people and love a yo-yo diet. Juice cleanses, low carb diets, weight watchers. That’s what I thought being healthy looked like. It wasn’t until my sister in law started lifting that I realized fitness...
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    My experience bulking and cutting as a petite person

    @midushi Petites who can eat, unite! Edit to add: I only knew this was possible because of this subreddit! The advice here has been invaluable!
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    My experience bulking and cutting as a petite person

    I am 30 years old, 5’3” and currently 117 pounds. I strength train with weights 5 days per week. I’m in the process of cutting for the first time after bulking for 4 months. I’m managing to lose weight eating 2150 calories now! I was nervous to bulk. To intentionally gain weight?! What if I...