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  1. M

    Help a beginner out... Tell me why m[28]y workout routine sucks!

    @bf2008 Thanks! If you've got something, that would be useful. I'm not super committed to any particular arrangement of what I work on what days. This was an arrangement that I found in a video from someone who seemed to know what they were talking about!
  2. M

    Help a beginner out... Tell me why m[28]y workout routine sucks!

    @walkaway I'll take a look on the Wiki, thanks! The challenge for me with doing full body every time is that it just takes so long! I can end up being in there +2h, which is why I've tried to split it up. The resources I'd found had suggested splitting it up this way but others here have...
  3. M

    Help a beginner out... Tell me why m[28]y workout routine sucks!

    Hey everyone, Thanks for taking the time to read this! About nine months ago, I set myself the challenge of getting into the best shape of my life. I'm dead serious about this, I want to do it for myself, my health and my confidence. It'd be great to hit 30 in a couple of years time feeling...
  4. M

    Almost no muscle gain in 3 years of lifting

    As for like protein, neutrition and suchlike, I've just been making sure I have enough protein and minerals/vits. I haven't been using calculators or anything just eyeballing it! Take a normal meal and just up the protein portion by like idk 50% or something. Or add a boiled egg in for...
  5. M

    Almost no muscle gain in 3 years of lifting

    @justinebassowooa So I'm a relativel beginner, I've only been doing this like 6 months or so, but I've seen progress I'm happy with so I'll share what works for me :) I'm not a PT or anything so please don't take any of this as a rule! This is just what's worked for me. First, the first time I...
  6. M

    Help a beginner out... Tell me why m[28]y workout routine sucks!

    Hey everyone, Thanks for taking the time to read this! About nine months ago, I set myself the challenge of getting into the best shape of my life. I'm dead serious about this, I want to do it for myself, my health and my confidence. It'd be great to hit 30 in a couple of years time feeling...