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  1. S

    What is the best 3 day split for building muscle?

    @dawn16 No one said anything about top 1% genetically. We're talking about the top 1% physically. (Although if you're comparing yourself to the 4x Mr O before you've even stepped on stage then I've gotta question your sanity
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    What is the best 3 day split for building muscle?

    @dawn16 No, by this this logic we shouldn't base our training expectations and standards on the regimes of the top 1%. Those have been min maxed to suit their needs and it's not really advisable for the rest of us. Additionally sometimes they just say off the wall things to cover for copious...
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    What is the best 3 day split for building muscle?

    @tsomnlie This brings us back to the first sentence. You are not Jay cutler. So don't train like him. There are fundamental differences between yourself and elite level bodybuilders and powerlifters. You know what throwing 30 sets per body part on a full body gets a normal person? Burnout and...
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    What is the best 3 day split for building muscle?

    @rachel_44 That article is pure bro science perpetuated by a guy who's juiced to the gills with the genetics to match. You're not him, so don't train like him. A lot can be said about rep ranges, total volume, RPE etc but the deciding factor is this: Muscle grows during recovery. Hypertrophy...
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    Im dead after 90 mins

    @ausilio You don't need 2 hours in the gym. Anyone who tells you otherwise is just talking out of their rear.