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    Survey: What CrossFit Movement is the Hardest to Master?

    @chantelle1989g Just posted the same thing because I missed this, but you are spot on.
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    24.1 and ego

    @elana Exactly this. And another words for "pacing'" is "strategy" which is why there are so many "How to Ace the Open" videos out there with the wod "Strategy" in the title. You'll know if you could drastically impove your time---the key to 24.1 for a lot of people seemed to be doing step-up...
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    Crossfitters w/ Whoop

    @christelvg Had it for almost 5 years now. Mixed feelings - data is often not accruate but it is consistent in its inaccuracy. When worn on wrist, it auto-detects workouts pretty much from the moment I walk into the gym to the moment I get back to the house. On bicep band it is far more...
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    A message about scaling. I’m sharing this with my clients tomorrow, and I figured I’d post it here first

    @expressforsuccess Excellent post/reminder. When I first started, my coach always used to say "If you scale the workout, you'll still get somewhere between 80% and 90% of the RX workout. But more than that, you won't hurt yourself so you'll be able to come back tomorrow to work out, which puts...
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    Millennial here

    @childofgodforever There's a reason professional athletes generally retire in their late 30s. And why many Crossfit coaches will tell you that the guys most likely to get injured are in theiir late 30s and early 40s who forget they can't lift and run like they did when they were 22.
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    My box is setting up an “800 g Challenge”. Any anecdotes about participating or info about effects?

    @starrysunsets Just be aware there are massive difference in the amount of sugar and fiber within each category-- 800g of blueberries, strawberries and cantaloup is very different nutritionally than 800g of bananas and pears. Ditto brocolli and Brussels sprouts versus potatoes and lima beans...
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    Trouble understanding my box programming and loss of fitness

    @celticghirl This is good advice. I'd add that you should talk to the owners about it though--you may be surprised and find that they understand where you are coming from and will work with you, maybe even design some programming for you.