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  1. M

    Is there anything I can do that doesn’t require me to change my diet, but will still make me loose weight?

    @psalms91forme If you still want to eat carb heavy but want to lose weight, I think your best bet is to take up endurance sports like marathon training, triathlon etc. the reason being is that you burn an ungodly amount of calories and can get away with a shitty diet. I did it for years. The...
  2. M

    if you had 4-5 hours a week to spend in the gym over 4 sessions, what would you do?

    Busy parent here, as I'm sure many can relate to. I go to the gym 4x and run 2x per week. Currently do an upper/lower split at the gym, with one upper day a push bias and the other a pull bias, one leg day a quad bias and the other a glute and ham bias. With warm up and a bit of a stretch or a...
  3. M

    Why don't men hire health coaches as much as women?

    @gm0nkx I think a lot of men do, maybe your marketing is off a bit if it's not attracting the right kinds of clients? As I said, most men are taught to figure stuff out on their own. That's a really hard habit to break. Also a lot of men see seeking help as a weakness. Then again there are...
  4. M

    Why don't men hire health coaches as much as women?

    @gm0nkx I hired a health coach/nutritionist a few years ago. The problem was from ages 15-32 I was heavily involved in endurance sports and had an insane metabolism. Once I stopped training for long distance triathlons due to family and work etc, I just had this totally unrealistic relationship...