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  1. M

    Starting new program

    @rootsrockreggae 5.5 hours of sleep is just too little. Doesn't matter if you do everything else right and sleep so little. Your whole post can be summarized in one sentence: "I have stalled on my bench because I sleep too little, advice please." If your priority is strength then r/powerlifting...
  2. M

    Rotating similar exercises week over week

    @perciville Rotating 2 exercises instead of doing the same exercise is probably better for longevity of the tendons and the joints. It will stimulate the muscles slightly different. Keep doing what you are doing. You are enjoying it and progressing, and that is all what matters at the end of...
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    [M/36/1.8m] How long until I start seeing results from my bulking?

    @faithfulfindings Don't fall for the bulking meme:
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    Frustration with My Workout Routine - Seeking Advice

    @leah3018 Right off the bat I see that your program is not the best.There is just too many lower body exercises in a single day. You have to take each working set close to failure to challenge the muscles. How are you supposed to do that with 18 sets of leg exercises in a single day 💀 The only...
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    How long do you rest for in between sets?

    @distantthoughts Supersets are good for saving time and getting more stuff done in a shorter amount of time without affecting performance too much.