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    Review my Program?

    @jimhempel Just seconding that I had a bad back in my early thirties and was super freaked out by the idea of squats and deadlifts. Started with the bar and never had any issues, my back is never an issue these days.
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    How does losing weight while progressing at the gym actually work?

    @dillinger You have to understand that progress encompasses many different things that can change over time as you get more experience. On a typical beginner strength program for example, your 65 pound squat, would increase 60 pounds in 4 weeks. Did your legs get twice as much muscle? No...
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    Took a Dexa Scan before resuming gym [M35 / 96 Kgs / 6'1 ft - 30% body fat, overweight]

    @jake99901 I would just do squats and deadlifts, or curls/extensions. Just try to build muscle in your legs, while trying to lose fat everywhere.
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    Took a Dexa Scan before resuming gym [M35 / 96 Kgs / 6'1 ft - 30% body fat, overweight]

    @jake99901 You can't choose where the fat your body uses comes from. You can choose where you want to focus to build muscle, but it's all balancing act, as you need to maintain the other parts of your body. Twice a week for your legs is fine.
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    Took a Dexa Scan before resuming gym [M35 / 96 Kgs / 6'1 ft - 30% body fat, overweight]

    @jake99901 Lift weights now and forever to build/maintain muscle, and cut weight in a slight deficit, somewhere in the 0.5 - 1 pound per week range. Cardio is great also but you cannot get to where you want by doing it, you need to have a solid diet. You will see the results of the...
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    Easily get tired?

    @isabella728xx I would stick with walking for now, pushing the distance slowly over time. Secondarily, I find that even being active, like my experience with cardio is not linear. The hardest part for me is in the first 10 minutes where it feels like my body is rejecting the idea entirely, and...
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    Took a Dexa Scan before resuming gym [M35 / 96 Kgs / 6'1 ft - 30% body fat, overweight]

    @jake99901 If you want to actually see the progress you've made so far, you need to lose like 20 pounds. Anything else is going to take longer and be harder to see results. You want to be like Brad Pitt, cut in fight club shape, and what is stopping that is approximately 40 pounds of...
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    May have to stop being a natty, testosterone finally checked and way low

    @scott2511 It's all a matter of weighing the pros and the cons I think if you have some symptoms. It seems like most people are happy they did it, symptoms or not but you will see cases where people go off because it either doesn't work for them or there are side effects they can't accept (hair...
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    Update: My Zone 2 5K time is 39 mins

    @sam1978 I'm curious in general how are you coming up with what zone 2 is for you? I run regularly and just run without much regard. Basically, there seem to be a bunch of ad-hoc 'zone 2' things which give me different ranges and I haven't done a vo2 test to say for sure. Using some methods...
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    May have to stop being a natty, testosterone finally checked and way low

    @scott2511 I tested just after I turned 45. I had no symptoms of low T, but came back slightly low (290). I had done this through one of the big online TRT places where by all accounts they would happily prescribe it for me. I really wrestled with if I should do it or not but ultimately...
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    Protein Help

    @swc1293 I find it easiest to just go for 1 gram per pound and not worry about lean mass etc. The range broadly suggested is between 0.8-1.2. The second point is not accurate really, or at least it's not that simple. A recent study showed that your body can absolutely make use of more than 30...
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    How soon after the big V were you back in the gym ?

    @becksblue I would ask the doctor, but at the time I had mine I was doing jiu-jitsu 7+ hours a week, took a week off and was fine.
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    Making a fitness plan for life

    @purdella I saw this article recently about a 93 year old who took up rowing in his 70s, and who scientists studied because he's such a crazy good athlete for his age. He does an average of 40 minutes a day, 70%...
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    Why don't men hire health coaches as much as women?

    @dawn16 While I don’t disagree with this entirely (watch Dr Mike react to celebrity trainers), I would say guys just are more likely to believe they can do it themselves as good or better. The reality is that it seems based on so many questions that pop up here, that people that figure they can...
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    What does your warm up look like?

    @newbeginning1996 I do warmup sets, and then I have largely followed 531 type programs where the first two main sets are relatively low weights.
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    Struggling with eating … too many sweets

    @messagesoflove Just not even having them in my presence is the main thing.
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    Risk v reward

    @ttcmacro I hurt my back, lifting boxes at age 30. I actually never went to the doctor because it came and went. I would tweak it and be barely able to walk for a few days and then fine for months until I had to lift or move something again. Years ago I started jiu-jitsu and made a point to...
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    How do you keep motivated?

    @rhettryder Going to go piece by piece of what you've said here. I do not do fad diets, I don't radically change my diet when I'm cutting. Simply cutting out the worst things are enough for me to go into a deficit. Then, I guess with age comes the realization that 2 months is nothing. I...
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    Working out last at night.

    @christdisciple I can't explain the motivation really. I have my workouts I want to fit into my week, and for whatever reason, that's enough. I will say I never regret it after I do a workout even if it is after 9 PM. Like others have said, sleep can be messed with although for me it varies...