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  1. M

    5’0 and under … what’s your treadmill speed for walking?

    @uticus Around 3-3.2! I’m only a little over 5’
  2. M

    The TDEE calculator says I should be consuming 1230 cals a day to lose weight. I’m 26F 5’2” 125lb, is this sustainable or realistic?

    @adriana28 You should have a maintenance of 1900~~ to 2000~~ based on your 4x a week workout. This puts you at moderately active and if you’re using your TDEE calculator right, no way would it tell you 1230 is enough for weight loss. Should be around 1400 min...
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    The TDEE calculator says I should be consuming 1230 cals a day to lose weight. I’m 26F 5’2” 125lb, is this sustainable or realistic?

    @garnett64 Idk why you’re getting downvoted for this but I agree with you!! My coach reversed me from 1200 to nearly 2000 at OP’s height and I have so much more energy.
  4. M

    25F / 110lbs / 5'4 hungry and in need of advice!

    @anactualchildofgod Anytime :) Her instagram is very informative and has all the information you need!
  5. M

    25F / 110lbs / 5'4 hungry and in need of advice!

    @anactualchildofgod You’re actually moderately active..and your tdee is 1900. Check this link