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    Top scoring speed ropes used in CrossFit Open workout 24.2

    @xnihilistx Yeah I just posted my experience with mine, the rope is worth every penny in my experience. Every person I’ve let try it out at the gym wants one.
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    What do y’all think of speakeasy gyms?

    @ahmadrajab That makes sense, thanks for letting me know. CF Oahu was the first box I ever visited way back in 2008 and I was hoping it wasn’t there.
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    What do y’all think of speakeasy gyms?

    @ahmadrajab CrossFit Oahu?
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    Top scoring speed ropes used in CrossFit Open workout 24.2

    @sandrat My wife actually got it for me, let me take a look at the site and mine and get back to you. I’m your typical dense 41 year old shorter guy at 5’8” and 205 lbs and however she had it fitted is perfect for my height. I’ve been coaching CF since 08 so she probably picked advanced but I...
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    Top scoring speed ropes used in CrossFit Open workout 24.2

    @ashere I have a $150 speed rope (RXSG) Evo G2. I can confirm this rope gets significantly more DU for less work. Everyone who tries it at my gym walks away wanting one. It’s really hard to quantify, but if I had to guess this rope gets 10-15 more DU than my old Rogue rope did across a 1 min max...
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    Top scoring speed ropes used in CrossFit Open workout 24.2

    @faithfullyfit Just posted about how much I love mine. If you have the cash it’s worth it.
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    Steroid Users Forever Have an Advantage

    @shorty1234 Sounds about right to me. It’s pretty impressive what you can do the first run, really makes me wonder how anyone at that level is clean.
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    Steroid Users Forever Have an Advantage

    @valerie22 Yeah I’ll always be suspicious of who’s using and who isn’t, just because the testing protocols are so much more lax in CF (due to cost of course) then other sports. That muscle mass isn’t going away, neither are the neural pathways that are traced lifting heavy, so much of it’s...
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    Steroid Users Forever Have an Advantage

    @valerie22 I can’t remember the specifics on him and I don’t know all the different types of drugs. I think the only way to truly be fair would be lifetime bans for people who pop…but there aren’t many pros out there so that could really hurt the sport. I don’t have a good answer outside letting...
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    Steroid Users Forever Have an Advantage

    @alissa I’m just making shit up I don’t know how long a cycle is, it’s hypothetical.
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    CrossFit, LLC price hike - What if?

    @onamor $500 even
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    Steroid Users Forever Have an Advantage

    @ballerspicy2423 I honestly don’t know but I do wonder
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    Steroid Users Forever Have an Advantage

    @bigred009 I’ll always wonder
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    Millennial here

    @catherine1192 Yeah I’m in my early 40s and I really got benefit from doing long, slow workouts like hiking and keeping my heart rate around the 130-50s.
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    Steroid Users Forever Have an Advantage

    @caleb_m I won’t go into details but I can confirm that there are definitely longterm benefits to PED use. If you do a cycle of anabolic steroids for let’s say, 9 months, it wouldn’t be crazy to see a back squat increase of 100 lbs (depending on fitness levels and all that of course). If you...