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    AMA: Megan Gallagher AKA MegSquats, creator of Stronger By The Day and Before The Barbell!

    @susanedgar37 We are so excited to have you here today. What was your opinion on the whole YLLAM (You Look Like a Man on instagram) debacle? Have you gone through similar experiences? Also, we all know supplements are very minor compared to hard work and consistency, but what supplements do...
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    Let's talk macros...

    @clary There have been a few times where I've "cheated" and had a burrito or sandwich and then went to the gym and hit PRs. But I don't actually feel tired when I'm working out low carb.
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    Let's talk macros...

    @pjfl Goals: strength and recomp. Have 5-10# extra fat to lose. Want to grow all the muscles. Macros: 5% carb (limit), 25% protein (goal), 70% fat (negotiable).
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    My physique at various body fat %'s (32 / 5'4" / 127 lbs)

    @gtalines Interesting, I had not heard that.
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    My physique at various body fat %'s (32 / 5'4" / 127 lbs)

    @trinity50 I've done the PL hypertrophy, PL strength and Physique. I love them all and feel set for life as far as programming. PL hypertrophy is a nice middle ground between the other 2, but it is intense. You're looking at 7 sets of the main lifts.
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    My physique at various body fat %'s (32 / 5'4" / 127 lbs)

    @specialdsdaddy I've run 3 of their templates and absolutely recommend them. Although I always wait until they're on sale. But they are worth the money if you have enough experience to know you're going to stick with it...
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    I Figured Out How To Tidily Pack Workout Clothes and I’m Super Excited

    @zenoboy This is such a good idea. I'm going to stock my closet with different gym outfits.
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    F 15 looking for a workout routine

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    [Comp Thread] IPF World Open Classic Championships Discussion

    @lovejoypeaceetc @ronit when does your coach compete?
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    Do you guys have opinions on Wendler's "North of the V**" concept?

    @pajamasam777 Seriously, vaginas are ripped apart to create life and balls run away and hide at the first sign of a cool breeze.
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    Critique my Routine? (M/W/F)

    @lawrencemcdonald123 Yes, so you generally put an exercise in the closest category you can (DL in back or pull day even though it works every muscle in your body). OP put a back/leg exercise on arms and chest day.
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    I made a r/xxfitness Search Engine that indexes ALL posts and Q&A megathreads

    @samwan Yes! I was the one who saw your r/fitness post and asked you to pop over here.
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    Do you guys have opinions on Wendler's "North of the V**" concept?

    @thbslawson Holy shit I love it. "Get it together, you're getting testerical."
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    [Comp Thread] IPF World Open Classic Championships Discussion

    @lovejoypeaceetc But then they might actually have to lift something.
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    Critique my Routine? (M/W/F)

    @lawrencemcdonald123 Yes, and back.
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    DEXA + RMR test results for a 5'9" 32F 136ish lb female

    @rapturetheory What are you trying to dial in for the next comp? Do you feel like turkesterone lives up to its hype? Do you have a full home gym?
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    Critique my Routine? (M/W/F)

    @neliii_br Good lookin out, bot.
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    Gym employee hit on me and asked for my number.. do I mention how uncomfortable that makes me to a different manager?

    @pompster2 That's for the owner of the facility to decide, once they have the information.
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    My spin instructor made me cry!

    @cepha I can actually see that motivating me. I would tell myself "Of course she doesn't care, she's not the one who has to live in my body!"