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  1. C

    Surprised by high testosterone blood test (34M) - how to take advantage?

    @gerthor It was a blood test, finger prick, though I was very strict to do everything properly and even asked if there was anything I could have accidentally done to raise levels and they said no, aside from medication and timing (8-9am). I’ve been trying to find a saliva test to try too though
  2. C

    Surprised by high testosterone blood test (34M) - how to take advantage?

    @daniel77791 Thanks for the thoughts! Dumb question: how would this be tweaked in variable full body workouts 2-3x per week? At my most productive back in the day I usually would do one warmup set and 3 working sets at higher rep ranges (eg in reps 12, 10, 10, 8+ to failure, raising weight...
  3. C

    Surprised by high testosterone blood test (34M) - how to take advantage?

    @alex440 Oh I don’t want TRT haha, i was afraid I’d have to because I thought my levels were gutter low. Now that I know they’re not, just want to make sure I’m approaching things correctly, if I should focus on lowering prolactin instead, etc
  4. C

    Surprised by high testosterone blood test (34M) - how to take advantage?

    Hey all - I’ve been struggling with some mental health issues for a while and was in a long term toxic relationship, just in a bad place in general. So through much of Covid, I didn’t work out at all. Started taking Adderall for diagnosed adult adhd, but otherwise just ate like crap, lots of...