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  1. L

    Therapist wants me to accept myself at a bigger size

    @66bookssss You’ve had a lot of helpful comments. I just want to encourage you to see a doctor about your pain to rule out other causes. And minimally for low back pain, you should try physical therapy. It will help you feel better in the short term and help you meet your fitness goals in the...
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    Fitness advice for 5'2" female feeling stagnant

    @jessica50332 You look very good and are well proportioned without any noticeable bulk. In fact, just a reality check, I would not really look at your physique and guess that you lift. It’s really tough for women to build upper body muscle. They are some seriously strong women at my gym who lift...
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    Disappointed: weight loss didn’t equal bf% loss

    @whitab The index scale and the dexa scan are apples to oranges comparison. You would need to do another dexa scan to get a clear idea of the change in body composition. You must be "slimmer" if you've lost 15 pounds.
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    Are clothes getting bigger or is it just me? 5'2,160lbs, size 8, and fitting smalls???

    @yakob123 Yes, at least in fast fashion brands like you find at target. Designer brands run smaller.
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    getting fit seems pointless to me as i don’t enjoy exercise or less food/healthful food. isn’t life about finding joy? help change my mind

    @promiseokon This is a fair question! I weigh 100 pounds less than you do. If I had to take 100 pounds everywhere with me, I wouldn't want to get up off the couch either. Even 30 pounds more than I am now made me constantly uncomfortable. I had aches and pains. I felt "off." I couldn't really...
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    5'2" F 1600-1700 calories + some walking ?

    @dawn16 When I wear a fitness tracker, my lifting sessions come to over 200 calories. That’s about 45 minutes.
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    To the short torsoed and short waisted people - what are the upsides/benefits? Can only spot disadvantages rn..

    @xdxaxvxex Legs look decent in shorts? Idk, I'm in the same boat. Not the heartburn or pain issues, but disproportionately longer legs make many exercises harder (squats, anything grabbing/touching toes), and short waist makes me look dumpy even when not overweight.