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  1. H

    A friend of mine asked me if I was natural or if I took creatine

    @gworden I'm injecting creatine up my ass personally
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    Stalling on lifts (outside first one of the workout) - advice needed

    @orlandodoncarlossalina I'd go with something like 5/3/1 for the progression of the main lifts so that you can progress with them without going very closure to failure and building too much fatigue. Then for the rest of the exercises something like 3x10-15 reps. Every time you hit 3x15 add more...
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    Stalling on lifts (outside first one of the workout) - advice needed

    @orlandodoncarlossalina If you are doing AMRAP sets on the very first exercise of the day, which is a big movement like bench, you already build a ton of fatigue that will carry to the rest of the workout. This program makes no sense
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    Whats your normal rep drop off between sets? Does it change for each exercise? Interested to hear if this varies for different people

    @overcoming1 Unless your first set was in the 1-3 rep range i highly doubt that will be the case
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    What made your arm grow the most?

    @setst777 Good form, high intensity, controlled negatives
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    4 day split? (25 y/o)

    @godsmusician The split is rarely the problem. The reason you are not progressing is probably a mix of these: a) Not eating enough calories b) Not recovering enough c) Not progressing with your lifts and not going close to muscle failure. You can't expect to grow muscles if you still lift...
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    Been training for years and on the verge of giving up due to lack of progress, what should I do?

    @jewels261 The exercises themselfs don't matter that much. You should pick the ones that you can execute with good range of motion and make the muscle you want to grow be the limiting factor when going to failure (or close to it) Simple example: if your forearms are the reason you can't do more...
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    Programs like 5/3/1 and training for strength VS size

    @dawn16 Not really. It only means that you should focus on bringing the muscle you want to grow close to failure. If you can do that with bench press then keep benching. I never said to stop doing those exercises I always felt them more on my glutes. It could be because of the wider stance i...
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    Programs like 5/3/1 and training for strength VS size

    @dawn16 Because i was a beginner and reading stuff like "just do 50 reps of chest, arms and call it day" made me treat those lifts as an afterthought.
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    Programs like 5/3/1 and training for strength VS size

    @cathyj The problem with programs like 5/3/1 is that they treat every exercise that isn't SBD as an "accessory". If your goal is to build muscle, you want to make your muscles go to failure or as close to it as possible. That means that you have to put the same effort in every exercise Also, a...