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  1. M

    M 30, 5' 8.5", at 181 lbs. Looking for some critiques and advice as I begin my 28 week journey towards my OCB Men's Classic Debut

    @mac64 Yeah, that pose is a total bitch and looks awful. It's supposed to be a front lat spread with a bit of a vacuum, but I struggle to get the spread right without fucking up everything else. I'll definitely grab a most muscular shot for my next update.
  2. M

    M 30, 5' 8.5", at 181 lbs. Looking for some critiques and advice as I begin my 28 week journey towards my OCB Men's Classic Debut

    @jankhurram Thanks for the feedback man. I honestly think that the fat and loose skin is screwing up my front poses. I'd guess that I'm probably around 15% BF right now, but it's predominantly located around my belly and my upper thighs and around my glutes. Do you think that it's possible...
  3. M

    M 30, 5' 8.5", at 181 lbs. Looking for some critiques and advice as I begin my 28 week journey towards my OCB Men's Classic Debut

    @dawn16 Good points! Thanks. I'll definitely add a most muscular for next time and include the wheels. I'll continue working on getting the chest to pop more too, because I agree with you: it looks undersized. With any luck I'll start looking significantly more aesthetic as I lean out...
  4. M

    M 30, 5' 8.5", at 181 lbs. Looking for some critiques and advice as I begin my 28 week journey towards my OCB Men's Classic Debut

    @dawn16 Thanks for the vote of confidence man. Yeah, for whatever reason my back poses are significantly more impressive than anything on my front. I have a really deep rib cage, so I think that my body fat really hurts my front poses and doesn't really affect my back as much. Any ideas on how...
  5. M

    M 30, 5' 8.5", at 181 lbs. Looking for some critiques and advice as I begin my 28 week journey towards my OCB Men's Classic Debut

    Looking for a check in critique. I'm currently 28 weeks out from an OCB show where I intend to make my Men's Classic debut. I'm in the process leaning out and trying to dial in my physique because I am afraid of getting behind schedule on conditioning after spending the last 6ish months on a...
  6. M

    First show in the books! Looking for feedback

    @clintmurphy72 Great work man! You should be proud of that showing. It takes a lot of effort to get to stage ready conditioning and leanness, and it's brutal as a natural competitor. Overall, I think that you came in really well conditioned, but your size held you back for sure. I'm not sure if...