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  1. G

    Vegan (or at least vegetarian) Creatine Recommendations?

    @emily91 Yes, my next task is getting off the Whey protein and onto something plant-based so I'll be bugging this forum again soon!
  2. G

    Vegan (or at least vegetarian) Creatine Recommendations?

    @pamcaid Thank you so much!
  3. G

    Vegan (or at least vegetarian) Creatine Recommendations?

    @dawn16 Thank you!
  4. G

    Vegan (or at least vegetarian) Creatine Recommendations?

    Some quick background: 46 year old male, vegetarian, 5'8 between 155-160lbs. Most of my fitness is calisthenics/bodyweight (pushups, pullups, etc) and running, but I do have a set of dumbbells that go from 10-35 that I use 1-2x a week for shoulders/arms etc, for about 90 minutes per workout. My...