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  1. J

    Ingredients for a Low Carb diet

    @grneyes3 no worries
  2. J

    Ingredients for a Low Carb diet

    @grneyes3 I've been bulking for some months with carb loading but got a lot of fat too. Then tried something along the lines of Lean Gains and Cheat Mode with OK results. I'm on second week of UD2 and already shedded noticeable fat while keeping muscle. It's the first I can do both weights and...
  3. J

    Ingredients for a Low Carb diet

    @personalizedbook Absolutely. And oils don't have fibers either. But it's hard to have so much veggies without some oily dressing ;)
  4. J

    Ingredients for a Low Carb diet

    Some days/mornings of my current diet requires to go very low carb. This is quite tricky on a vegan diet outside protein powders/shakes, so I thought my list of ingredients might come handy for others on similar diets. Ingredient protein/carb/fat High Protein Seitan 74/14/2 Gluten...