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    Working out abs all at once OR between sets?

    @brokenjohninchrist Mmm okay good idea!
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    Working out abs all at once OR between sets?

    @enfpthatsme Ooo okay thank you!
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    Working out abs all at once OR between sets?

    @dawn16 This is exactly my mindset! I fight the urge to leave early every time xD. Thanks for the advice!
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    Working out abs all at once OR between sets?

    @spporter Oh that's smart! Thanks :D
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    Working out abs all at once OR between sets?

    I’ve been adding a 6-10 minute ab workout to the end of my lifting session, but I’m curious whether or not I could just do each movement between my sets? Any idea if this would increase or decrease the efficiency of the lift? Routine: plank, leg lifts, side plank L, side plank R, bicycle...