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  1. G

    Should I buy 20kg or 24kg if I mainly just do swings?

    @iowa52241 I’m going to go against the trend here and say 24 kg will put a lot of work in for you. It starts getting easy to swing 2h for ever minute on the minute? Single hand. That’s easy? Jerks and snatches. I’m sure a heavier weight would be fine, but don’t think tossing around 50 lbs is...
  2. G

    The Kneesovertoesguy

    @19disciple44 The kettlebell swing style is generally hardstyle vs a sport style. You may prefer doing kettlebell cleans instead of swings, there is a bit more squat motion in that. It’s like comparing a broad jump vs a vertical jump. Jumping from standing for distance, or broad jump, is more...