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  1. L

    Just started working out again. (33 M, 6'0", 200lbs)

    @katherines12 Thank you. I never really got into pre workouts before. I've done protein post workout in the past but at this point I dont really need that I dont feel. Maybe pre is the way to go.
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    Just started working out again. (33 M, 6'0", 200lbs)

    @katherines12 The time that I have decided is best for now is my lunch break. I get an hour from 12-1. So I can start with 30 minutes in there as long as I don't work up too much of a sweat. I have a bad habit of staying up too late right now that I need to kick. Working out before work would...
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    Just started working out again. (33 M, 6'0", 200lbs)

    @bournes That is what I was hoping / expecting but didnt know for sure. Thanks.
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    Just started working out again. (33 M, 6'0", 200lbs)

    @jojesse Great advice and thank you!
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    Just started working out again. (33 M, 6'0", 200lbs)

    @gemmy Yeah the fact that I got the soreness after what little I started with was surprising but not concerning. Looking forward to keeping on keeping on! Hopefully I can have some progress pics for yall at some point in the not too distant future!
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    Just started working out again. (33 M, 6'0", 200lbs)

    @dawn16 Haha thanks man! I'll keep working at it and try to mix in that yoga from time to time. I got really into yoga for a bit but again haven't done that in a while either. Try to quit stealing french fries though.
  7. L

    Just started working out again. (33 M, 6'0", 200lbs)

    Took a pretty long hiatus. Always used to be in really good shape. Doing both cardio and lifting. Solid muscle. Single digit body fat %. Then I had a couple kids and got a desk job and got really OUT of shape. Not super overweight because I kept my eating at least somewhat in check. Not great in...