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  1. C

    Is it true that you have to decrease your calorie intake as you lose weight?

    @ojiisanhikui For example yesterday, I went to yoga in the morning, I went on a 35 min walk (moderate pace) and did ballet for 1.5 hours and when I went to bed my Apple Watch told be I burned about 700 calories. This is a day with 3+ hours of exercise
  2. C

    Feeling discouraged

    @rodneys Thanks for informing me! And don’t worry I don’t feel attacked I’m always open to learn something new. You’re 100% right about the prevalence of ED in weight loss and fitness though. I feel that where I am now in my journey I am able to do a lot of introspection and handle everything...
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    Feeling discouraged

    @rodneys Okay no worries! I feel that I was exaggerating by saying I have binging tendencies and just trying to further explain my situation :) also yes I feel that counting calories becomes obsessive and unsustainable in general; not just for me (you can’t count calories for your whole life)...
  4. C

    Feeling discouraged

    @rodneys I appreciate your response! I’ve never really thought about what you’re saying too much so it’s definitely good knowledge and important to learn about. I’ve counted calories in the past and stuck to it and lost weight healthily over about 5 months I just felt that it wasn’t sustainable...
  5. C

    Feeling discouraged

    @rodneys Thank you. Yea I’m trying to be patient with the results I definitely feel better and notice slight changes as I am getting more physical activity and eating much cleaner. I don’t think I have a sever ed or anything I’ve just noticed that I have had binging tendencies in the past but...
  6. C

    Feeling discouraged

    Hey everyone, so I guess I just need some encouragement right now. I’ve been trying to intuitively eat so as not to be obsessive over food (I have a binging problem) and working out for the past 6 weeks. From September-November I was eating out a lot and eating junk not really focusing on what I...