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  1. S

    Which documentaries or videos helped motivate you greatly in taking health/fitness seriously?

    @savedsue For me this wouldn't be a good long term plan/motivation is fleeting and isn't what will keep you going long term. I find it helps me stay on track to have a reason to make better choices -- I'm currently trying to maintain my weight so I'm not too heavy for my lighter partner to...
  2. S

    getting fit seems pointless to me as i don’t enjoy exercise or less food/healthful food. isn’t life about finding joy? help change my mind

    @promiseokon My gateway exercise was riding a bicycle. I just did it to save money on driving initially and be able to join my friends on fun bike outings and I almost immediately started getting fitter and realizing how good it felt in my body. I stopped getting sick so often, my lower back...