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  1. T

    Possible overtraining? Advice appreciated

    @ivans Yes sorry, the post is a bit cocky. I understand true overtraining only happens to elite athletes who push themselves for hours and hours each day. I know I was under recovering but I don't understand because it seems most people in my age bracket do have a similar routine to me, yet they...
  2. T

    Possible overtraining? Advice appreciated

    @dawn16 It's not super full of protein, but it is balanced. I get enough greens fruit and lots of carbs each day and eat at least one meal with meat in it each day. That said the parasitic infection may have leached my vitamins which I will find out shortly. Could be anemic or diabetic etc. but...
  3. T

    Possible overtraining? Advice appreciated

    Context: Througout this whole year I’ve been getting 5-7 hours sleep when I really need 9-10 at my age (17). I workout to failure all the time and used to do it 5 days a week with a routine that worked pretty much the same muscles all the time (back bis tris) and then every second day I’d go for...