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  1. J

    2018 Contest Prep Breakdown

    @dawn16 Thank you Dreamtan lol.
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    2018 Contest Prep Breakdown

    @royaloliver7 Check out the 3DMJ podcast, sooooo much free and informative content. Highly recommended.
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    2018 Contest Prep Breakdown

    @royaloliver7 Year long preps are his norm.
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    2018 Contest Prep Breakdown

    @royaloliver7 It definitely does. I think that's the new standard approach with natural bodybuilding preps in general too. More and more you're seeing longer preps and folks are retaining more muscle ala Jeff 'Godfather' Alberts (3DMJ)
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    2018 Contest Prep Breakdown

    @asithilathanas Yup. A couple diet breaks in between and the first month was really a “let’s see where we are at” month
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    2018 Contest Prep Breakdown

    @alej No problem man. Photo link doesn't work for me :/
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    2018 Contest Prep Breakdown

    @alej Right on, so you have definitely have lifting experience under your belt. Absolutely! I wouldn’t mind at all. As for shows, I know many of the organizations are beginning to put out their 2019 schedules. Check out these orgs, I know NGA for a fact has several PA shows NGA...
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    2018 Contest Prep Breakdown

    @alej First off thank you! It’s pretty crazy what a body can look like after shedding off most of the fat. My best advice would be to hire a reputable coach. You’ll likely need close to a year or two depending on where you are in your journey to work into a contest prep especially if you’ve...
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    2018 Contest Prep Breakdown

    @bulldog34667 Thank you and my pleasure! It was definitely worth it even when I was at my lowest of lows.
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    2018 Contest Prep Breakdown

    @lburms Thank you!
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    2018 Contest Prep Breakdown

    @redwolf6 I had to work hard for that vacuum lol. Thanks man! Really appreciate it.
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    2018 Contest Prep Breakdown

    @brandon601 Definitely won’t be making that mistake next time I prep. Lesson learned.
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    2018 Contest Prep Breakdown

    @samanthamturner Haha! The dog walks picked up in the last 5 weeks of prep as we dropped HIIT and MISS. My body was just so reluctant to lose weight most of the prep. I partly blame that on flexible dieting. I was so food focused and always coming up with recipes that would fit in my diet as...
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    2018 Contest Prep Breakdown

    @justiceisblind Yeah it's basically dissipated now. I stretch more and drinking lots more liquids during prep helped a lot. Shoulders will definitely get specialized this offseason, starting with OHP!
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    2018 Contest Prep Breakdown

    @justiceisblind Definitely a weak point. I had a shoulder impingement that I was nursing, so pressing in general became an issue. Worked around it the last couple years and shoulders took a hit in training due to it.
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    2018 Contest Prep Breakdown

    @ohce That's essentially what I did. If I was progressing nicely I would add working sets from time to time or increase reps, this was all done by feel, so each session was unique cause some days I was on my game others I wasn't.
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    2018 Contest Prep Breakdown

    @ohce I basically had to find a challenging weight for most isolations. I started with low loads and progressively worked my way up, so those numbers you see listed are loads from the previous 8 week block, unless it was a new exercise, then I had to find those ranges the first week of the new...
  18. J

    2018 Contest Prep Breakdown

    @dawn16 Absolutely. 2018 Contest Prep Training Routine
  19. J

    Results and training/diet info from my overall win at the 2017 INBF Carolina Naturals

    @paparazi257 Great in detail write up. It really gives you a vivid picture for those looking to compete for the first time. Again, congrats on the win! You've got a great mindset man.
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    2018 Contest Prep Breakdown

    @dawn16 Yeah, not to sound cocky, but at my pro debut I felt I was the only one with visibly shredded glutes. Really, I think it just reaffirms the idea that it's not all about size. Natural bodybuilding is also judged on conditioning, posing, and stage presence too.