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  1. 8

    I feel like my PT is pushing me too hard. How do I tell him this?

    @allroads Thats 7 hours + the 150 abs on top?? Dude that is waaaaaaaaay too much!
  2. 8

    I feel like my PT is pushing me too hard. How do I tell him this?

    @allroads I think talk to him to maybe have another rest day, or reduce the intensity. You shouldnt be training so hard you lose sensation/feel like vomitting. And you didnt answer my questions, of how long you spend with hum working out, or if you worked out before. 6 hours a week is a lot for...
  3. 8

    I feel like my PT is pushing me too hard. How do I tell him this?

    @allroads I might be against the grain, but maybe ask him to tone it down. Even if other people do this kind of workout, that doesnt mean it’s the right workout for -you-. This is a personal trainer yeah? So not a copy and paste trainer. I have been working with a trainer for over a year, but i...
  4. 8

    Sedentary, out of shape, and struggling with some workouts

    @renee77 If you are out of breath and heart rate rises very quickly with little effort, you might have asthma/health issues. For me, i would get on the treadmill for 5 minutes (fast walking) and have to sit down for 10 to catch my breath. Found out that I have asthma and needed treatment. So if...