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  1. H

    On week 4 of training 3x a week...How long until I see results?

    @broncofan Not looking to be ripped after a month but would love to see some more definition in my legs, stomach and arms. I think I eat as clean as I can. Lots of veggie heavy green smoothies and egg dishes for breakfast, protein heavy mid day snacks, and lean protein/veggie heavy dinners. I...
  2. H

    On week 4 of training 3x a week...How long until I see results?

    @ngie Goblet squats and deadlifts are the only things I can do on a good day. Anything else (swings, split squats, lunges) all bother my right hip. I believe I tore something while doing a side weighted lunge back in February of 2021. It's been a very long road of figuring out what I actually...
  3. H

    On week 4 of training 3x a week...How long until I see results?

    @snowlucario Thanks for this. I think this was the encouragement I needed! I know body recomp takes a while but I was expecting at least a little something after a month.
  4. H

    On week 4 of training 3x a week...How long until I see results?

    30 y.o. woman, 5'5" 135 lbs. I just started training again after having to take a lot of time off for a hip injury. It's been about 3-4 weeks of CONSISTENT kettlebell workouts I'm training 3x a week, plus walking 3-6 miles a day (3 days when I train, 5-6 when I don't train) I'm not doing...