Search results

  1. J

    Dexa scan results for me, a 5'6", 183 lb 35-year-old weightlifter. Spoilers: 39.1% body fat

    @3john3 Yeah, if you're in the healthy range it's just a number. The dexa scan does find all the fat, so it gives higher numbers than most other tests (and conventional wisdom). The clinic's database said that 99% of the people they'd scanned were at 15% or above, and I'd guess that includes...
  2. J

    Dexa scan results for me, a 5'6", 183 lb 35-year-old weightlifter. Spoilers: 39.1% body fat

    @claireanneh Yup. My left leg is more muscular, though; I fenced in college, maybe that's why.
  3. J

    Dexa scan results for me, a 5'6", 183 lb 35-year-old weightlifter. Spoilers: 39.1% body fat

    I've been frustrated lately because I just couldn't decide what my goals should be, so I got a dexa scan. I thought the results were interesting, so I'm sharing them with you all! (I made a new account for this because my old one has accumulated enough identifying information that I didn't...