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  1. B

    Sunday Show Off + AMA Announcement: Daniel Vadnal of FitnessFAQs will be answering questions on December 21st!

    @groo101 Nope, still got a week of them. I personally have 4... IDK bout them videos, would have to find a way to prop my phone up in the CRCE weight room.
  2. B

    Sunday Show Off + AMA Announcement: Daniel Vadnal of FitnessFAQs will be answering questions on December 21st!

    @groo101 Let's see, on Friday I really didn't want to exercise, but made myself anyway. Turned out to be one of the best sessions I've had. Hit PR on bench (120), felt strong in my FL progression, and squatted 135 without my left knee caving inward. Also my OHP and bench are now in the novice...