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  1. H

    Am I too heavy?

    @kutloello Yeah just keep breathing. I found that doing what you described above didn't work for me. Being taller the movements take longer and I found my self out of breath and heart rate through the roof. On my wallballs and thrusters I usually do 2 breathes per movement. Slow and...
  2. H

    Am I too heavy?

    @kutloello What helps me on movements that take longer is I constantly breathe. Not sure if you are or not, but a lot of people tend to hold their breath on the way down and until they excerpt their energy into the push. For me that kills me, so I started just constantly breathing and not...
  3. H

    CrossFit, LLC price hike - What if?

    @sharzid Do you own your own building or something? How have your expenses not increased?