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    What’s your Fran time?

    @asphaltpotato 2:04, I’m short 🤷‍♂️
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    How much do you pay for your CrossFit gym?

    @spiritchill 160 a month, unlimited access from 5am to 9pm every day. Florida. 180 for three days a week is insane no matter where you are in the country.
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    Orangetheory v CrossFit

    @ramona66 Exercise burns calories, depending on the amount/type of exercise, the same diet can produce completely different physical appearances.
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    Bad in bench press

    @jakesmith99 Most gyms don’t do a lot of benching so if you’re interested in pumping that up I’d recommend strength sessions outside of class. As far as push ups go, I’ve found success doing EMOMs, for example the other day I did a 5 minute EMOM of 20 push ups which definitely tested endurance.
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    Direct Me To A Workout Plan for Snatch Strength

    @david11 Definitely sounds like you need to work on Snatch Balance. You can also improve your speed under bar with high hang/dip snatches. Make sure you are deliberate with every rep as you warm up, focusing on making every rep look the same. The goal of something like this isn’t to hit a 1rm...
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    Direct Me To A Workout Plan for Snatch Strength

    @david11 Snatch is a lift where you can’t just do say 3x8 and get stronger in the same way you could with a back squat. You should work with a coach at your gym to refine your technique. It’s very rare that people are limited by strength in the snatch. Once your technique is dialed in, you have...
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    @bobhickman For snatch: snatch balance, for jerk: jerks with a pause in the bottom.