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    Why can I all of a sudden do a strict pull-up?

    @jbhoneyangel You finally learned how to use your lats
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    I’m mentally weak

    @eternaldragon Doing monostructural HIIT may help here, since you’ll be exposed to high intensity for many reps, and the monostructural aspect (bike/echo bike/rower/ski erg/running/swimming) will keep it more repeatable than doing random WOD’s, and thus reliable to progress. The repeated...
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    What do u have for breakfast

    @bagr4 Usually a banana, one scoop of whey before and a liter of salty Gatorade to drink during/after the workout. I can’t tolerate much food volume before a workout, it’ll come right back up 🤮
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    @lovelylady35 The goal you should put down is “keep showing up” If your coaches know you (and if they’re good, they should), they should support that