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  1. M

    F / 47 / 5'1" (119 --> 111) 4 months progress

    @bsd058 Thanks so much for the kind feedback! :) I hope the information I've shared helps you a bit on your journey. Visiting this thread is inspiring for me, too! It helps to see the progress other petite ladies are making and definitely reinforces the role consistency plays in making lasting...
  2. M

    F / 47 / 5'1" (119 --> 111) 4 months progress

    @glaubenszentrum Thank you! :)
  3. M

    F / 47 / 5'1" (119 --> 111) 4 months progress

    I wanted to share my progress to remind my fellow shorties that change takes time, but if you're consistent change does happen! It can seem like not much is happening week-to-week when the weight loss is so slow. Hang in there, keep at it, and use something in addition to the scale to mark your...