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  1. P

    Has my coach put me on too high of a calorie deficit?

    @buzzard3 I’m aware it’s brutal and unhealthy! I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t know the risks beforehand. I would say I do have a larger structure (especially upper body/shoulders, hence figure lol). I can have all the information in the world about losing weight and gaining muscle for normal...
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    Has my coach put me on too high of a calorie deficit?

    @kagenonikki Thank you for your input!
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    Has my coach put me on too high of a calorie deficit?

    @godseb Usually 1g per lb of body weight/ 2g per kg has been shown to maintain muscle mass. Additionally, a 20% deficit is the furthest you can go without risking negative health effect and muscle loss. Once again though, I know the sport isn’t healthy and I want to do what will be most optimal...
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    Has my coach put me on too high of a calorie deficit?

    @godseb Well I hired him for the exercise aspect moreso than the nutrition, but I’m also new to BB as a whole. I’m asking on the forum because I know there are a lot of shitty coaches out there, and I’d rather ask than fail. If he’s right, I WANT to follow his guidance. I just dont know because...
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    Has my coach put me on too high of a calorie deficit?

    @saved1994 That’s what I was thinking. To be honest, 2lbs a week was taught to me to be feasible and that’s what I’ve been losing with 2,200kcal each day. That’s why 1,500kcal was concerning to me. For prep (as I’m sure you know) you have to lower your calories the closer you get, so I was like...
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    Has my coach put me on too high of a calorie deficit?

    @buzzard3 I mean the goal is moreso 30lb than 40lbs, what would you say a normal weight loss is for prep? I’m currently at 175lb from eating pretty well this past month, so I’m starting a bit lighter than I was last month
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    Has my coach put me on too high of a calorie deficit?

    @cjwolf My maintenance at 185 was around 2,800-3,000 (I’m tall and have a lot of muscle) kcal per day, so -940kcal would be between 2,000-2,200. I usually use a TDEE calculator for my job and it’s always been accurate. That’s why the 1,500 doesn’t make any sense to me. Thank you for the...
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    Has my coach put me on too high of a calorie deficit?

    @dawn16 Sorry, i couldn’t tell who you were agreeing with. So you think that either way will work, it’ll just be different processes?
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    Has my coach put me on too high of a calorie deficit?

    @dawn16 8lb per month=32lbs; it’s completely possible to lose that weight in 16 weeks, and with the amount of exercise I’m doing it may be a bit higher even with the 20% deficit. Normally from the beginning of prep to the end, losing 20-40lbs is the norm.
  10. P

    Has my coach put me on too high of a calorie deficit?

    Hello, I’d like to start out by saying that I have a bachelor’s degree in kinesiology with a focus in nutritional sciences and am a certified PT and sports nutritionist. I’m a 21yr old Female, 5’10, 175lbs, an am 40-43% lean muscle. I’m training for a women’s figure competition in late November...