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    New Years 2023 Announcement: BWF Primer Follow-along Event + BWSF Routine Soft-Launch!

    @fromgenesistorevelation Agree with your point on flow charts. Someone posted this on the sub at some point and I bookmarked it, because I thought it was excellently laid out and had so many exercises listed...
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    New study on progressing REPs VS LOAD could have interesting implications on the Recommended Routine

    @beaud20 Did I say that? I certainly don't remember saying that... My point was... Let's say you want to progress from negative pull ups (NPU) to pull ups (PU). The RR recommends doing 8 NPU before moving up to 5 PU. That is obviously a jump that most people wouldn't be able to do. However, you...
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    New study on progressing REPs VS LOAD could have interesting implications on the Recommended Routine

    @beaud20 The differences were only marginal for strength, endurance and hypertrophy. This isn't a comparison of people doing 100's of reps. If you look at the endurance results the most one of them could have done was around 30 reps (24.1 +/- 7.3). In the strength test the load group improved...
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    New study on progressing REPs VS LOAD could have interesting implications on the Recommended Routine

    @flawedsheep I agree, but the cut off for "when" you make that switch might be higher than previously believed. Like you could definitely still benefit at 20 or 30 reps for example.
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    Barely progressing despite doing everything right?

    @440281/ Read this:
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    New study on progressing REPs VS LOAD could have interesting implications on the Recommended Routine

    @betaninja The author refers to 30 reps in his introduction when mentioning a previous study he did in 2017. He also gets the subjects to start out at a 10 rep max, so I doubt they got that high up into reps. You're probably right about the statistics. The number of people in the study is...
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    New study on progressing REPs VS LOAD could have interesting implications on the Recommended Routine

    @derekmc I'd say it's more of a gradual shift. Another person shared a study in this thread comparing people working out at 80% 1rm and 30% 1rm, which is a larger difference to the group's in the study I posted. The lighter loaded group in that study still gained size and strength, but their...
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    New study on progressing REPs VS LOAD could have interesting implications on the Recommended Routine

    @atheautistic Very interesting. Assume TUT is time under tension? What kind of results do you see from it? Like, increased size/strength or just a better ability to perform the movement? On a related note, this video popped up in my suggestions the other day. A couple of mountain climbers...
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    New study on progressing REPs VS LOAD could have interesting implications on the Recommended Routine

    @jleigh The formatting is weird in that paper. Don't think I've ever seen the authors, title and journal listed inside an abstract before. Maybe that's the journals editor's fault? The study itself seems interesting though. There's a much bigger difference in the High Loading vs Low Loading...
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    New study on progressing REPs VS LOAD could have interesting implications on the Recommended Routine

    @dawn16 I guess the point of the study is that the differences within 30 reps are quite marginal, although it was only an 8 week study. Perhaps there's bigger differences over a longer period if you only trained in low/high rep ranges. Good point on tendons. Increasing loads on a...
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    New study on progressing REPs VS LOAD could have interesting implications on the Recommended Routine

    An interesting new study comparing the muscular strength, size and endurance of 2 groups who either (a) progressed the number of repetitions they could do or (b) progressed the load they were lifting, found that there was very little difference between either group. Both are valid ways to...
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    Comparison between 4 popular beginner bodyweight workouts shared in this sub over the last decade

    @vinhhali I've seen Dr Mike Israetal talk about antagonistic and agonistic supersets in Renaissance Periodization videos so they can definitely be both. I'll accept that the spacing of the rests are slightly different though.
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    Comparison between 4 popular beginner bodyweight workouts shared in this sub over the last decade

    @dawn16 You're really splitting hairs here. It can be viewed as more rest if you are working out for a set amount of time or can be viewed as time saving if you need a minimum of 3min rest. The goal is to be more efficient by combining exercises. Its not like I called giant sets drop sets.
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    Comparison between 4 popular beginner bodyweight workouts shared in this sub over the last decade

    @dawn16 Effectively the same thing. The goal is to combine exercises so you get more rest in less time.
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    Comparison between 4 popular beginner bodyweight workouts shared in this sub over the last decade

    @thehook I'd be surprised if you had somewhere to do rows but not dips, since you can do both on most of the same equipment whether that's bars or rings. Shoulder injuries are listed as a reason not to do it, but I personally have had issues with overhead pressing on the past and while looking...
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    Comparison between 4 popular beginner bodyweight workouts shared in this sub over the last decade

    @hannahmarie313 Yeah I agree with the carryover. I think we should be more interested in muscle activation of different movements than whether they're vertical/horizontal. Bret Contreras did a great series of articles testing damn near every exercise you could think of with sensors attached to...
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    Comparison between 4 popular beginner bodyweight workouts shared in this sub over the last decade

    @petroula The more things change the more they stay the same
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    Comparison between 4 popular beginner bodyweight workouts shared in this sub over the last decade

    @redbone63 Thanks. I guess I was just curious about the big build up and focus on changing the RR, when it hadn't really changed that much imo.