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    New "RIR 1-2 vs RIR 0" Study - Similar gains

    @livingme7 I say train to failure on the pretty common chance that your training to failure on some exercises is still a couple reps from failure, and your 3rir is probably more like 5 or more.
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    What do you think about this guy's pull up and row technique?

    @jeanetteh Yeah those are fine alternative ways to perform those movements. I’ve done pull-ups like that before. They don’t target the muscle group any better than doing them conveniently, just differently. So sure throw them in the rotation and see how you like it.
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    As an experienced lifter are we shortchanging progress at all by doing a little cut to a 'beach leanness' each year?

    @jamierite74 Go watch some videos on bulking and cutting from renaissance periodization. It will clear all this up for you.
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    I guess it’s time to deload?

    @remas The only time my joints have ever hurt is when I’m doing too much volume. So it varies. But between his joints hurting, his motivation going down, and his change of training style mixed with what appears to be a higher volume approach, I’m calling it over reaching.
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    I guess it’s time to deload?

    @fromissouri You’re textbook over reaching. That’s why it’s recommended to follow meso cycles. You have a week off or a week of pretty relaxed training, then over the course of 6 or so weeks you start from low volume and lower intensity (like 10 sets per week or even less per muscle group at...
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    As an experienced lifter are we shortchanging progress at all by doing a little cut to a 'beach leanness' each year?

    @mella I mean, people with PHD’s are telling me it’s real science not bro science, so I’m trusting what they say. This is what renaissance periodization’s Dr. mike israetel says in his videos on bulking and cutting. But it also seems like you’re misunderstanding it. You won’t get noob gains...
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    As an experienced lifter are we shortchanging progress at all by doing a little cut to a 'beach leanness' each year?

    @tristatervrepair That is basically what has been scientifically proven to be correct. At a certain point in a bulk, (6 month or so range) fat becomes even easier to gain compared to muscle, and cutting much longer than around 16 weeks, muscle loss becomes more and more inevitable and...